Beta v THE GOD EMPEROR! MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. The latest Tweets from MADNESS: Project Nexus Madness: Project We have 4, members, and we want *you* to be member #4, knowledge that, people have look countries, allowing you to get the Madness: Project Nexus 2 - Story Campaign. Madness: Project Nexus 2 A fast-paced, Run n' Gun shooter (PC/Mac), filled to the brim with comic violence, swords, guns, squad combat, guns. Receive the DVD, Madness print, $ tier rewards, AND, before the game is done, Along with your copy of Madness: Project Nexus 2, you'll receive a fun. Madness: Project Nexus 2 is a sidescrolling Run n' Gun game filled with arcade-style action reminiscent of games like Smash TV. MADNESS: Project Nexus (rebranded from "Madness: Project Nexus 2") is an upcoming Madness Combat shooter/action game developed by Krinkels and The-Swain.

MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality.